The Federal Perkins Loan Program, which provided low-interest loans to college students has expired. Therefore, no new loans are being awarded. The Perkins Loan Program representative is located in the Bursar's Office in the Beatrice Auerbach Computer Center and Administration Building, room 218.
Our office can answer questions about the Federal Perkins Loan program including loan disbursement, repayment, cancellation (forgiveness), deferment options, and loan consolidations o existing loans.
For further questions or information, please contact:
Diane Purcell
Senior Accountant
Phone: 860.768.4742
Fax: 860.768.4521
Federal Perkins Loan Information
Exit Interview
Whenever a Perkins loan borrower graduates, withdraws, leaves, or drops below half-time status at the University, the student must complete an exit counseling interview according to federal regulations. At this time, borrowers receive important information about their repayment obligations and update their personal information records. Borrowers will also receive information about:
Borrower’s grace period of nine months
Repayment Deferments for certain defined periods, if eligible
Cancellations, if eligible
Forbearance Requests
You will receive an email from the Perkins Loan servicer, Heartland ECSI, with instructions on how to complete the required documents online. Please note that failure to complete the exit counseling requirement will result in a hold being placed on your account, restricting your access to your degree and transcripts.
Perkins Loans are serviced by Heartland ECSI.
Online and Mobile Account Access
Create or sign in to your EasyPath profile online at ECSI Sign In or Register. When you create your profile, connect your Perkins Loan account by using your Heartland Key.
Heartland ECSI offers a mobile application to make accessing your account more convenient.
Download it from the Google Play Store
Download from the Apple App Store
If you need help accessing your Heartland Key, or your ECSI account, please contact ECSI’s Customer Service at 1.888.549.3274 or begin a live chat with an ECSI representative at ECSI Sign In or Register. You may also contact the Perkins Loan program representative in the Bursar Office at 860.768.4742 or
Payment Mailing Address:
Heartland ECSI
P.O. Box 718
Wexford, PA 15090
Paperwork Mailing Address:
Heartland ECSI
P.O. Box 1278
Wexford, PA 15090